Friday, April 26, 2013

My limousine chauffeur driven “Bucket” List

Limousines seem to be a huge attraction for special occasions but personally I think such big cars look ugly. I wonder just how many people would like to be chauffeur driven anywhere they go, and if that be the case would it be something which they liked about some limousines or about status.

I recently decided to give Lax Shuttle Service Limousine a try just to see what I personally felt about being driven by limousine from one place to another I have to confess it’s not really for me, limousines may be suited for many people and I don’t think that there’s anything wrong going for a limousine drive, especially if you can afford to have your-own chauffeur.

In my experience the smallest objective opinion seems to offend those who feel passionate about something and more often than not they become over reactive towards a minor issue. I feel in life we should try many things and draw our own-conclusions.

If you’ve some fantasy to try I would suggest to go for it, and let nobody stop you, especially if you’ve a parent with a limited mind who always tries to reflect the world from their outdated mind. I believe in this world we should all have targets, including a limousine drive:)

I sometimes feel completely energized by the incredible momentum and the connections I’ve managed to accumulate over the last decade. I feel completely open minded towards many things, and if one of them is a short limousine drive, then so be it, so long as it’s something we desire.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Keep your word, study Polish

I’ve recently been engaging in the concepts of Polish conjugation and the one thing which I can tell you there is a lot to learn from a grammatical point of view in every single respect.

Someone who shared my believes was my work colleague Ken Sproul who has had a lot of experience in the area of languages and we did some comparisons with other languages likes the oriental ones and our summary was that oriental is harder to master. I personally believe if you give an hour a day even if you’re the worst student in the class daily commitment will help your Polish conjugation and help you better your communication.  (p6-mc)

Such a plan to perfect your Polish conjugation is very far from just make belief but a reality which I’m guilty of not putting into practice on a more frequent basis, perhaps the old proverb of practice what you preach

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Keep your web surfing, private!

Experience the beauty of using private web surfing what I speak about is Linux. By way of Plusinek I learned a few points which helped me contribute to fine tune my personal Linux distro. With the broad range of operating systems out there it’s such a pleasure to have something which I can use too substitute paying for internet café’ when I go on travels worldwide part of my luggage includes a live-cd.

A live Linux operating comes on a CD which all you have to do is put it inside your cd players and switch on your computer and the computer will boot from the CD which is a operating entirely running off the CD and your computers ram, you need not save a single thing to your hard drive or leave a trace of evidence of what you’ve been doing whilst surfing the internet.

Linux live is not 100% secure or is any other known operating system but it helps in keeping your web surfing private!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Women's words mean nothing

I’ve recently been thinking of recording a few more Youtube videos as I’m never going to be a real rock star, but-thanks to youtube-viewers I can get some-public exposure. All about guitar is helping me to-brush up on my guitar technique for this recording.

I want to record a few songs which I’ve recently written, one in particular called “the myth of love” this song refers to the people that come and go in our life’s and once promised they’d be there for us forever only to find themselves eating their words somewhere down the road in the relationship.

I’ve yet to meet a woman that has integrity and honesty.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Google talk helps keeps friends together worldwide

Google Talk is a nice little chat client and it works on many different mobile phones. People often get comfortable with the idea of phones like the blackberry and one of the major reasons is it’s instant messages service which is unique to their phone and incorporated into their network which cancels having to install additional software.
The beauty of Google talk is it can work on a large variety of phones, and once you install it, your phone will be able to do anything which blackberries’ instant messenger can currently do. In all honesty installing Google talk on a mobile phone which it’s compatible with is a piece of cake for most people.

It’s worth your while to download the software and put it to the test for yourself.

Google talk will work in any language once it’s installed there is no need to be sending loads of messages you simply keep a client on to speak to anybody.
Logically the person needs to in your address of clients and have Google talk installed on their phone or PC, you should install it and clue and show all your friends.
Once they see it in action they will appreciate its light foot print meaning it is only a small install as well as they will see what they’ve been missing without having it. If friends have this communicating worldwide is accomplished very cheaply.

Which president has ever honestly kept their word?

I wonder if people really know what they’re doing when it comes to voting, in addition to that, how well would each individual do if they were to sit an exam regarding politics? My personal opinion is most people who vote would do very bad in an exam which tested just how much they knew because if the world were more clued up on politics they could indirectly manipulate the government.

Despite knowing our leaders are anything but the finest men people elect them again and again. I believe people need to study politics before voting.

Get informed
I was reading the Plusinek Weblog and there was an article which touched upon this very point which I am trying to reflect here on my blog post. Plusinek has frequently discussed such points which turned out to be food for thought. People know a few things which can be beneficial to them but little more.

Register to vote 
Over 50% of Bill Clinton’s voters were women and one of the reason’s was he was seen as a handsome president particular to middle aged woman. When a man’s appeal can outweigh his ability, it shows how easy it is to manipulate the members of the public and gain their trust.

By understanding politics more they would be able to see what the government could and couldn’t do this would make people far choosier who they voted for at elections.

No prime minister in the UK has ever made a difference to my life.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Healthy optimization strategy

The sad reality is very few of them offer a service which can carry impact to a site which is trying to rank high for a One way links on Markslog is the way to go if you wish to push your site up in the search engines.

Problem is many people who understand very little are offering their services as its easy to get up and running and seem bigger than you really are as found out by the search engine optimization company . The sad reality is very few of them offer a service which can carry impact to a site which is trying to rank high for a major keyword.

One of the reasons is they are able to lure their potential customers in is because of their customers lack of experience within the field of SEO and One Way Links on Markslog. Often a person male or female offer their services yet they know so little. In reality the best people in SEO are computer programmers not someone that cant write a bit of code to save their life. In fact when it comes to sophisticated coding they only thing they can do is copy and paste.

If you need one way links to work for you, shop around and see what the person has to offer if someone is as good as her or she claims to be, their site should have a google toolbar page rank of 5 or above this indicates they practice what they preach and the pr is higher than most average seo people.

Many people who offer their One way Link service know their website lacks this type of quality and relevance so they write you with from an email which not related to their site and service. The reason is simple the service they offer is not genuine.