Friday, October 1, 2010

Markslog – The Domain and DirectBikeReview

I had been using my original domain which was however I felt was easier to remember. I am not sure how comfortable people are with spelling my name or remembering it however knowing the more simple the name the easier it is not to forget illustrates that point. Also, if you arrived here after clicking a link to DirectBikeReview you may notice its now much easier to find me as I have recently done some organizing with the way things are structured which has increased my web presence. If you have not heard of it’s the simple and most Direct way to get a profile on any desired motor you would like to buy. They give a very detailed review and get deep into all the nitty gritty in doing so help you make up your mind easier directbtikereview have a reputation for being perfectionist as well as not working in favour of the company just to help to increase their sales, this is something many magazines are guilty of doing, They may even get a free hondascooter or some extra case, whatever they do Direct is always honest to customers.

Markslog – The Domain and DirectBikeReview